Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Big Hike

This week was rather uneventful around the Johns household, except for the steepest hike I've ever done in my life on Tuesday. I found this trail called Cerro Alto Peak in a book of California hikes I own, and should have been wary when the first sentence in the trail description read "If you like climbing, this hike's for you."

This was an understatement.

The trail starts out easy enough, with a slow up and downs following a stream lined with ferns. It was very peaceful, and lulled you into a false sense of security that this wasn't going to be too tough. After a little while, the trail started rising along a hillside, and the stream starts falling away in the canyon below. About two miles in, the trail ends at a crossroad with a sign indicating that the summit is two miles away.

Two miles! Was it kidding??

At this point I considered quitting, thinking that I had done enough climbing for the day, but then I remembered that I had shelled out $5 to park at the trail head and I was going to get my MONEYS WORTH! So with aching legs, I trudged upward along the trail through thick foliage that formed a tunnel. The shade was nice, but little bugs leaped off the leaves as you pass through it causing a sound like running water as they launch off the leaves and into the air. It was very much like the scene in Indiana Jones with the arrows shooting off the wall; your only chance to avoid them is to go FAST.

Almost a mile up the trail, which by now was pretty steep, I encountered another fork with sign which read "Summit: 1.2 miles" this way. I had already done what most people would have considered a very hard hike.

But now it was going nearly vertical.

The views opened up at some point to where I could see the ocean, and very slowly I made my way up the mountain. Eventually I reached the top, and got a great 360 degree view of the entire coastline as well as inland to Atascadero. I took a few pictures then headed back down.

On Friday, our friends Krista and James came up from Orange County to spend the weekend with us. We drove out to some local favorite wineries: Tobin James, B & E, and a new one we tried called Booker Vineyard. We had a great time and enjoyed having them here. Krista's lost 160 pounds and looks like a different person now. Audrey painted a tiki on Krista's cast before they left. They're heading home today.

We're very lucky to have good friends.

Written by Chris Johns

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